Anglo Scottish Society of Ipswich News

Christmas Dance 2024 montage


Dear Dancing Friends,

Thank you for those that made it to our Christmas Dance, in spite of the dire weather warnings!  We may have been a little short on numbers, but with the superb music from Keith Smith and Anne-Laure Latour, we had an excellent afternoon of music and dancing. 

And now for the next one!


Ipswich Hogmanay Afternoon Dance Header

Tuesday 31st December 2024  1:30pm to 5:30pm

Copdock & Washbrook Village Hall, Old London Road, Copdock, IPSWICH IP8 3JN

Tickets £6 dancers, £3 non-dancers & children

Dancing to Recorded Music

We would love as many of you as possible to join us for a great afternoon, giving plenty of time for really enthusiastic dancers to join us and still have time to dance the night away elsewhere!.  The programme includes some simple dances for anyone to join in with, so do bring friends and family along for a fun afternoon.  Full information with programme and cribs to download are on the event page here.

The classes will restart in the new year at Bredfield (Woodbridge Group) on Wednesday 8th January 2025, and at Nacton on Friday 10th January 2025.

Looking further forward, 2025 will see the second Suffolk Day School on 7th June at Risby Village Hall near Bury St Edmunds, and on the evening of 21st June, we will jointly host the second East Anglian Ball with our dancing friends from Norfolk, Cambridge and Bury St. Edmunds. We will again be dancing to the joyful playing of Keith and Anne-Laure.

Woodbridge (Bredfield) Class Information     Nacton Class Information

Videos of dances

Many people now use the YouTube videos to help with learning new dances, or just refreshing their memory on old ones, and these can be found via links on the Scottish Country Dance Dictionary cribs pages. However, not all dances have videos, and that applies particularly to locally devised dances such as The Saxtead Mill, Gillian's Strathspey and Jim and Margaret's Jig.  So the Woodbridge class has been busy filling a few gaps. Click on the button below to see what we have achieved!

Click here to see our videos   

The very best wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year,

Libby Wragg

Chair of the Anglo-Scottish Society of Ipswich

Affiliated to the RSCDS

RSCDS Dance Scottish