Tuesday 31st December 2024 1:30pm to 5:30pm
Copdock & Washbrook Village Hall, Old London Road, Copdock, IPSWICH IP8 3JN
Tickets £6 dancers, £3 non-dancers & children
Dancing to Recorded Music
Circassian Circle | R | Coanwood Stuarts | J | |
Welcome to Ayr | J | Trip to Timber Ridge | R | |
The Wind on Loch Fyne | S | The Water of Leith | S | |
A Jig So Puzzled | J | Crossing the Line * | R | |
The Recumbent Stone * | R | The Scallywag * | J | |
Miss Gibson's Strathspey | S | The Minister on the Loch | S | |
Cumberland Reel | R | Chased Lovers | J | |
Father Connelly's Jig * | J | The Dashing White Sergeant | R | |
Greenmantle | S | The White Heather Jig | J | |
Ramadan-ce | R | The Montgomeries' Rant | R |
Links to cribs, diagrams and videos below
Dancing friends welcome.
All dances will be walked through except those marked * which will be recapped only.
Please bring food to share and a plate, cutlery and cup for your individual use.
Tea and coffee provided.
For further information and tickets, please email ipsscotdance@gmail.com
Payment by BACS (preferred) to The Anglo Scottish Society of Ipswich,
Acct. No. 13012905, Sort code 09-01-54.
Please use the reference: Your Name, Number of tickets
Please send an email to ipsscotdance@gmail.com, with the attendee names
and the name on the account that the payment is made from.
Date of event
Tue 31 December 2024
Copdock & Washbrook Village Hall, Old London Road, Copdock, IPSWICH IP8 3JN