Copdock & Washbrook Village Hall, Old London Road, Copdock, IPSWICH IP8 3JN
Our Spring Dance this year is in aid of the RSPCA Suffolk Central Branch
Dancing to recorded music - - - Raffle
Our programme includes a number of simpler and fun dances for less experience dancers.
Click on the links to see cribs and videos. Downloadable flyer and cribs at the bottom of page.
cribs | cribs | |||
Roaring Jelly | J 8x32 | The Hazel Tree * | J 8x32 | |
Black-haired Lassie | R 8x32 | The Highland Rambler | R 8x40 | |
Corian Strathspey | S 3x32 | Sands Of Morar * | S 8x32 | |
The Bees of Maggieknockater | J 4x32 | James Gray | J 4x32 | |
The Dancers' Wedding | R 8x32 | The Countess of Dunmore's Reel * | R 8x32 | |
Muse Cottage | S 3x32 | Major Ian Stewart | J 8x32 | |
Niles Roberts' Farewell to Pasedena * | J 8x32 | Makin' the Tartan | S 4x40 | |
1314 * | M 128 | The Falls of Rogie | R 8x32 | |
Maxwell's Rant | R 8x32 | Trip to Timber Ridge | R 8x32 | |
Dances will be walked through, but those marked * are recommended for more experienced dancers.
Links to cribs, diagrams and videos below
Tickets £6.00 - in advance or on the door
Please bring food to share and a plate, cutlery and cup for your individual use.
Tea and coffee provided.
For further information and tickets, please email
Payment by BACS (preferred) to The Anglo Scottish Society of Ipswich, Acct. No. 13012905, Sort code 09-01-54.
Please use the reference: Your Name, Number of Tickets
Please send an email to, the attendee names and the name on the account that the payment is made from.